
My passion is my friends. my friends are always there for me and never ate me even if i mess up. I have  tip to be a good friend.  never get mad if they get upset help them if your a true friend. all friends are different. if you are a kind fun person you will have friend and be able to make friends. you know there a real friend.

Lemme look! Seif Alaya via Compfight




Anyone can be your friend. Your friend can be an animal like a pet or a human like a sibling.  If  you see s person who could use a friend. Go make a new friend try to be nice and help them if they don´t want a new friend leave them alone. I´m going to start rapping it up. So make friends studies have shown you are happier when you have friends. so go make friends. You will need them to help you be happier.


Friends are very trustworthy and never let you down. the best way to be a kind friend is to always be kind and true to who you are. if they don’t like like you for who you are they aren’t really your friend. if you are late to an important event they may get upset. if a “friend” tries to get you to do dangerous thing their not your friend. if a person is kind to you they can be a friend. if you see someone alone go talk to them and become friends. their are many types of friends. good friends and bad ones stay close to good friends

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